Application of external package

Application of external package#

Here we demonstrate the capabilities of our framework to define the behaviour of the external operator via a 3-rd party Python package. In this example, we use the JAX library to define the external operator \(\boldsymbol{q}\) and its derivatives. JAX provides powerful automatic differentiation (AD) and function vectorization features as well as it is able to compile functions just-in-time. For more details, visit the JAX’s documentation.

The code solving the heat equation problem from the previous notebook remains almost unchanged. The only functions that must be redefined are q_impl, dqdT_impl and dqdsigma_impl.

import jax

# enables the work with double precision under float64
jax.config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)

We use JAX’s auto-vectorisation decorator jax.vmap to allow us to write the function definition for a single interpolation point, and automatically extend that definition to a batch of interpolation points. Then we need to reshape the global representation of variables \(T\) and \(\boldsymbol{\sigma}\) and send them to the vectorized version of the operator \(\boldsymbol{q}\) (the function q_global). automatically extend that definition to a batch of interpolation points.

A = 1.0
B = 1.0

def k(T):
    # In contrast to the previous implementations, the input `T` here is a scalar.
    return 1.0 / (A + B * T)

def q(T, sigma):
    # The input `T is a scalar and sigma is an array with the shape (2,).
    return -k(T) * sigma

# vectorization in the following way: q_global(T=(batch_size, 1),
# sigma=(batch_size, 2))
q_global = jax.vmap(q, in_axes=(0, 0))

def q_impl(T, sigma):
    # Here we evaluate q globally, so inputs `T` and `sigma` are `np.ndarray`
    # with sizes # cells number * number of interpolation points per cell * local
    # size (which is equal to 1 for T and 2 for sigma). By applying
    # `reshape((-1, 1))` function we prepare the data for batching. For example,
    # `sigma_vectorized` has the shape of (cells number * number of interpolation
    # points per cell, 2)
    T_vectorized = T.reshape((-1, 1))
    sigma_vectorized = sigma.reshape((-1, 2))
    out = q_global(T_vectorized, sigma_vectorized)
    return out.reshape(-1)

Thus we do not need to think about how to manipulate data globally. Instead, we just define the local behaviour of the operator.

Once the operator \(\boldsymbol{q}\) is defined through a callable Python function we may take the derivative of it using the AD tool via the JAX’s function jax.jacfwd.

dqdT = jax.jacfwd(q, argnums=(0))
dqdsigma = jax.jacfwd(q, argnums=(1))

As the function q acts locally so do the functions dqdT and dqdsigma because they have the same signature. We can vectorize them and define the global behaviour of the external operator.

dqdT_global = jax.vmap(dqdT, in_axes=(0, 0))
dqdsigma_global = jax.vmap(dqdsigma, in_axes=(0, 0))

def dqdT_impl(T, sigma):
    T_vectorized = T.reshape((-1, 1))
    sigma_vectorized = sigma.reshape((-1, 2))
    out = dqdT_global(T_vectorized, sigma_vectorized)
    return out.reshape(-1)

def dqdsigma_impl(T, sigma):
    T_vectorized = T.reshape((-1, 1))
    sigma_vectorized = sigma.reshape((-1, 2))
    out = dqdsigma_global(T_vectorized, sigma_vectorized)
    return out.reshape(-1)

The decorator @jax.jit guarantees that the first function call will take place at compile time.