More complex case#
In this notebook, we alter the previous implementation by wrapping a more complex expression through an external operator. The objective remains the same: to assemble the Jacobian and residual of a steady-state heat equation with an external operator to be used to define a non-linear flux law.
Problem formulation#
Denoting the temperature field \(T\) and its gradient \(\boldsymbol{\sigma} := \nabla T\) we consider the following system on the square domain \(\Omega := [0, 1]^2\) with boundary \(\partial \Omega\)
where \(f\) is a given function. With flux \(\boldsymbol{q} = -k \boldsymbol{\sigma}\) for \(k = \mathrm{const}\) we recover the standard Fourier heat problem. However, here we will assume that the \(\boldsymbol{q}\) is some general function of \(T\) and \(\boldsymbol{\sigma}(T)\) that we would like to specify \(\boldsymbol{q}\) using some external (non-UFL) piece of code.
Let \(V = H^1_0(\Omega)\) be the usual Sobolev space of square-integrable functions with square-integrable derivatives and vanishing value on the boundary \(\partial \Omega\). Then in a variational setting, the problem can be written in residual form as find \(T \in V\) such that
where the semi-colon denotes the split between arguments in which the form is non-linear (on the left) and linear (on the right).
To solve the nonlinear equation (2) we apply Newton’s method which requires the computation of Jacobian, or the Gateaux derivative of \(F\).
The above result uses the product rule \(D_{x}(fg)\lbrace \hat{x} \rbrace = (D_x(f)\lbrace \hat{x} \rbrace) g + f(D_x(g)\lbrace \hat{x} \rbrace)\) and that the Gateaux derivative and integral can be exchanged safely.
Dropping the explicit dependence of \(\boldsymbol{q}\) on \(T\) and \(\nabla T\) for notational convenience we can use the chain rule to write
To fix ideas, we now assume the following explicit form for the material conductivity
where \(A\) and \(B\) are material constants. After some algebra we can derive
We now proceed to the definition of residual and Jacobian of this problem
where \(\boldsymbol{q}\) will be defined using the FEMExternalOperator
and an external implementation using NumPy
This simple model can also be implemented in pure UFL and the Jacobian
derived symbolically using UFL’s derivative
We import from the required packages, create a mesh, and a scalar-valued function space which we will use to discretise the temperature field \(T\).
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import basix
import ufl
import ufl.algorithms
from dolfinx import fem, mesh
from dolfinx_external_operator import (
from ufl import Measure, TestFunction, TrialFunction, derivative, grad, inner
domain = mesh.create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 10, 10)
V = fem.functionspace(domain, ("CG", 1))
Defining the external operator#
We will begin by defining the input operands \(T\) and \(\boldsymbol{\sigma}\)
needed to specify the external operator \(\boldsymbol{q}(T,
\boldsymbol{\sigma}(T))\). The operands of an FEMExternalOperator
can be any
T = fem.Function(V)
sigma = grad(T)
To start the Newton method we require non-zero assembled residual and Jacobian,
thus we initialize the variable T
with the following non-zero function
T.interpolate(lambda x: x[0] ** 2 + x[1])
We also need to define a fem.FunctionSpace
in which the output of the external
operator \(\boldsymbol{q}\) will live. For optimal convergence, \(\boldsymbol{q}\)
must be evaluated directly at the Gauss points used in the integration of the
weak form. This can be enforced by constructing a quadrature function space
and an integration measure dx
using the same rule.
quadrature_degree = 2
Qe = basix.ufl.quadrature_element(domain.topology.cell_name(), degree=quadrature_degree, value_shape=(2,))
Q = fem.functionspace(domain, Qe)
dx = Measure("dx", metadata={"quadrature_scheme": "default", "quadrature_degree": quadrature_degree})
We now have all of the ingredients to define the external operator.
q_ = FEMExternalOperator(T, sigma, function_space=Q)
Note that at this stage the q_
is symbolic and we have not defined the
code to compute it. This will be done later in the example.
holds a fem.Function
to store its evaluation.
The external operator can be used in the definition of the residual \(F\).
T_tilde = TestFunction(V)
F = inner(q_, grad(T_tilde)) * dx
Implementing the external operator#
The symbolic FEMExternalOperator
is linked to its implementation using
functional programming techniques. This approach is similar to how the
function works in DOLFINx.
In the first step, the user must define Python functions(s) that accept
containing the evaluated operands (here, \(T\) and
\(\boldsymbol{\sigma}\)) at the global interpolation points associated with the
output function space. These Function(s) must return an np.ndarray
containing the evaluation of the external operator at all of the global
interpolation points. We discuss the sizing of these arrays directly in the
code below.
We begin by defining the Python functions for the left part of
here we recall
A = 1.0
B = 1.0
Id = np.eye(2)
gdim = domain.geometry.dim
def k(T):
return 1.0 / (A + B * T)
def q_impl(T, sigma):
# T has shape `(num_cells, num_interpolation_points_per_cell)`
num_cells = T.shape[0]
# sigma has shape `(num_cells, num_interpolation_points_per_cell*value_shape)`
# We reshape `sigma` to have shape `(num_cells,
# num_interpolation_points_per_cell,`
sigma_ = sigma.reshape((num_cells, -1, gdim))
# Array for output with shape `(num_cells,
# num_interpolation_points_per_cell,`
output = -k(T)[:, :, np.newaxis] * sigma_
# The output must be returned flattened to one dimension
return output.reshape(-1)
Because we also wish to assemble the Jacobian we will also require implementations of the left part of the derivative
def dqdT_impl(T, sigma):
num_cells = T.shape[0]
sigma_ = sigma.reshape((num_cells, -1, gdim))
output = B * (k(T) ** 2)[:, :, np.newaxis] * sigma_
return output.reshape(-1)
and the left part of the derivative
def dqdsigma_impl(T, sigma):
output = -k(T)[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * Id[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]
return output.reshape(-1)
Note that we do not need to explicitly incorporate the action of the finite element trial \(\tilde{T}\) or test functions \(\hat{T}\); it will be handled by DOLFINx during assembly.
The final function that the user must define is a higher-order function (a function that returns other functions) that takes in a derivative multi-index as its only argument and returns the appropriate function from the three previous definitions.
def q_external(derivatives):
if derivatives == (0, 0):
return q_impl
elif derivatives == (1, 0):
return dqdT_impl
elif derivatives == (0, 1):
return dqdsigma_impl
return NotImplementedError
We can now attach the implementation of the external function q
to our
symbolic object q_
q_.external_function = q_external
System assembling#
The remaining part of the modeling remains unchanged.
T_hat = TrialFunction(V)
J = derivative(F, T, T_hat)
J_expanded = ufl.algorithms.expand_derivatives(J)
F_replaced, F_external_operators = replace_external_operators(F)
J_replaced, J_external_operators = replace_external_operators(J_expanded)
evaluated_operands = evaluate_operands(F_external_operators)
_ = evaluate_external_operators(F_external_operators, evaluated_operands)
_ = evaluate_external_operators(J_external_operators, evaluated_operands)
F_compiled = fem.form(F_replaced)
J_compiled = fem.form(J_replaced)
b_vector = fem.assemble_vector(F_compiled)
A_matrix = fem.assemble_matrix(J_compiled)
k_explicit = 1.0 / (A + B * T)
q_explicit = -k_explicit * sigma
F_explicit = inner(q_explicit, grad(T_tilde)) * dx
F_explicit_compiled = fem.form(F_explicit)
b_explicit_vector = fem.assemble_vector(F_explicit_compiled)
assert np.allclose(b_explicit_vector.array, b_vector.array)
J_explicit = ufl.derivative(F_explicit, T, T_hat)
J_explicit_compiled = fem.form(J_explicit)
A_explicit_matrix = fem.assemble_matrix(J_explicit_compiled)
assert np.allclose(A_explicit_matrix.to_dense(), A_matrix.to_dense())
J_manual = (
inner(B * k_explicit**2 * sigma * T_hat, grad(T_tilde)) * dx
+ inner(-k_explicit * ufl.Identity(2) * grad(T_hat), grad(T_tilde)) * dx
J_manual_compiled = fem.form(J_manual)
A_manual_matrix = fem.assemble_matrix(J_manual_compiled)
assert np.allclose(A_manual_matrix.to_dense(), A_matrix.to_dense())